A long time ago (in 2014), Warsaw was “a beer desert”. A little more than a couple of years later, Warsaw has become the national centre for craft beer with numerous specialised pubs and shops. You can even get it in restaurants and clubs. Have a look at the city through the ‘looking-glass’ of cool, refreshing beer, and give yourself a moment or two to take in the (hi)stories that time has left on the walls of our majestic city.
Warsaw Beer Trails:
The trails we have created for you are merely a suggestion, not an order. It’s up to you how you want to sightsee and enjoy the best (craft) beer in the world. It doesn’t matter which direction you choose or whether you go solo, with your family or friends. Just make sure you have a good time.
Most of the fun facts regarding the history and architecture of our fine city are by Piotr “Pietia” Wierzbicki who loves Warsaw no less than we do craft beer. He is a varsavianist, an expert on all things Warsaw, and author of the book “Hoppy History of Warsaw”. You can find his fascinating articles in the monthly “Skarpa Warszawska”. He’s in charge of the “Warszawa na wyrywki” Facebook page (‘Warsaw at random’) – like this profile and you will never again miss any trips full of curiosities, lectures and meetings.
The authors of entries about Warsaw’s pubs:
Przemek Iwanek (judge and organiser of beer competitions, Alchemia podcast, Cydr Pełnia, co-organiser of the Warsaw Beer Festival)
Michał “Docent” Maranda (blogger, creator and editor-in-chief of PolskieMinibrowary.pl – Polish Microbreweries)
Marcin Orwicz (Mgła Chmielu – Fog of Hops, or collected beer events in Warsaw)
Michał Sułkowski (beer judge, Kilka Słów o Piwie – A Few Words about Beer, Piwna Mapa Warszawy – Warsaw Beer Map)
Mirek Kołodziej (fan of purebred Arabian horses, craft beer and museums, always on the lookout for delicious food while travelling)
Edited by:
Paweł Leszczyński (beer judge, organiser of the Warsaw Beer Festival and the guy behind several other craft beer initiatives)
If you find any mistakes at all or would like to share some constructive criticism concerning our project, be sure to let us know!