Slow Craft
Association for the Polish Craftsmanship

We want to have an impact on our reality. That is why we support and organise positive activities with the development and popularisation of craft beer in mind. We connect and help breweries, pubs, and stores. We created a movement that will connect craft consumers.
We appreciate the diversity of the beer world, and the hard work, skills and uniqueness of the people who make this world what it is. The greatest value is that everyone, regardless of their individual preferences, will find something for themselves – a divine taste, passion, pro-social activity. After the crisis, we will meet together over a glass of good beer! Long live Slow Craft!
Meet Slow Craft
Board of the Association
Audit Committee of the Association
Przemysław Iwanek

Beer judge and organizer of beer competitions, podcast Alchemia (Alchemy), Cider Pełnia (Fool Moon), Warsaw Beer Festival
Founding members
Michał Maranda

Docent, b/vloger (Polish Small Breweries), a good spirit of Polish craft for years
Michał Sułkowski
Beer judge, bloger Kilka Słów o Piwie (Few Words About Beer), creator of Piwnej Mapy Warszawy (Beer Map of Warsaw)

Polish Beer Trails
We invite you for walks along the Polish Beer Trails, where historical curiosities are mixed with good, craft beer! Every week we publish a new, short walk that will connect the best Warsaw venues with architectural curiosities. First we describe Waraw. Further translations will be added.

Remote sale of alcohol
Poland is the only country in the European Union and one of the few in Europe where remote or Internet sales are illegal (which was established in 1982, during martial law). Although some sellers try to circumvent the existing regulations in various ways (for many it is a matter of life or death), our authorities are inclined to limit access to alcohol even further. In our opinion, remote sale should be possible at least in the duration of the pandemic. The current situation is only working to the detriment of small craft breweries (and other artisanal alcohol producers).
Map of initiatives supporting craft
At the beginning of the COVID-19 epidemic, we created a map of initiatives of shops, breweries and craft beer venues (unfortunately, these were mainly cries for aid). As part of the support, we informed where you can buy beer from small breweries and on what terms. We promoted stores helping others in this difficult situation. The project ended naturally with the loosening of the policy of restrictions by the government. See the map.